Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bristol Palin

War on women: Obama donor Bill Maher attacks Bristol Palin on Twitter
Bristol Palin’s Obama retort makes me say “meh”
Quoted: Bristol Palin on same-sex marriage

War on women: Obama donor Bill Maher attacks Bristol Palin on Twitter

Bill Maher, the man who contributed $1 million to Obama's Super PAC, attacked Bristol Palin in a tweet he issued on Monday.

"#LeviJohnston having baby named Beretta after fav gun;Bristol will name her next kid Colt 45.After what shes drinking when she gets pregnant," he wrote.

A post at Twitchy, noting Obama's earlier statement that “[p]eople’s families are off limits," and "[p]eople’s children are especially off limits,” wondered if the President really meant what he said.

"Sorry, President Obama, did we fail to let you be clear again? Because obviously what you really meant was, 'Children are off limits, unless you’re a bitter misogynist who donated a million bucks to get me reelected,'” the post added.

The article goes on to mention that when Sandra Fluke was under attack by Rush Limbaugh, the President put "her on speed dial."

"Bristol Palin weathers repeated attacks from an Obama donor? Crickets."

After Obama called Fluke, Palin wrote an open letter to Obama wondering when she should expect his call. Palin, however, said she doesn't really expect a call, but wondered if it might be too much to ask for some consistency from the President.

"After all, you’re President of all Americans, not just the liberals," Palin wrote.

Twitchy goes on to explain that this latest attack by Maher illustrates the "real war on American women" that is being waged by the left.

"Bill Maher’s vile attacks on women and his particular creepy fixation on Bristol Palin and her child are ignored and even embraced by liberals. Conservative women, especially conservative moms, are fair game," Twitchy added.

Last June, for example, Maher said this about Palin:

In Bristol’s new memoir "Not Afraid of Life" - working title, "Whoops, There's a D**k in Me” - Bristol claims that the night she lost her virginity she had accidentally gotten drunk on wine coolers that she didn't know contained alcohol and then blacked out and didn't remember a thing. Oh, the Palins. I tell you, the s**t doesn't fall far from the bat.

Twitchy wondered if NOW President Terry O’Neill thinks Obama should return Maher's contribution.

It is, as the saying goes, what it is - another incident proving that liberalism is, at its core, an ideology of hate and rage.

Bristol Palin’s Obama retort makes me say “meh”

Bristol Palin has a thing or two to say about President Obama’s gay marriage stance. The 21-year-old daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin doesn’t think looking at love through the eyes of your children is a wise move — nor is being a single parent, which she is herself. Huh.

“Is anyone really surprised by the fact that President Obama came out of the closet for gay marriage?” Bristol Palin blogged Thursday, noting his explanation that his feelings “evolved” through talking to his wife and daughters.

Bristol Palin went on to write:

CVW 001942 200x300 Bristol Palins Obama retort makes me say mehWhile it’s great to listen to your kids’ ideas, there’s also a time when dads simply need to be dads. In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage. Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview.

In this situation, it was the other way around. I guess we can be glad that Malia and Sasha aren’t younger, or perhaps today’s press conference might have been about appointing Dora the Explorer as Attorney General because of her success in stopping Swiper the Fox.

Sometimes dads should lead their family in the right ways of thinking. In this case, it would’ve been nice if the President would’ve been an actual leader and helped shape their thoughts instead of merely reflecting what many teenagers think after one too many episodes of Glee.

Personally, I find Bristol Palin’s arguments…immature, I suppose. Admittedly, I’ve never been a fan of hers, but this attempt at debating an issue does nothing to change that position.

It’s really not hard to mock a person and belittle their argument, the Internet at large is quite good at it, but what is challenging is to have an adult discussion — which I feel she’s failed to do. Perhaps being on the receiving end of similar mockery for so many years hasn’t helped Bristol evolve her approach.

However, because of her mother (and even more so her notoriety as a pregnant teen turned abstinence advocate) Bristol Palin has a bigger megaphone through which to voice her opinions than most others. I was prepared to get all riled up over how wrong the arguments I anticipated she’d make were, to infuse my post with words that would change minds and open hearts, but alas, there’s nothing in there I see worth getting worked up about.

I’ve listened, briefly, and now I’m moving on…still cheering “go, Obama!” and predicting equal rights for all to be on the way.

What do you think of Bristol Palin’s commentary on Obama’s gay marriage stance?

Quoted: Bristol Palin on same-sex marriage

“We know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home.”

— Bristol Palin blasting the president’s support of same-sex marriage. Hmmm, a jab at babydaddy Levi Johnston? Doesn’t seem to be, but the single mom asserted on her blog that Obama is way too influenced by Malia and Sasha: “It would’ve been nice if the President would’ve been an actual leader and helped shape their thoughts instead of merely reflecting what many teenagers think after one too many episodes of Glee.”

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